
What people say about Charanga

It has given us the opportunity to learn an instrument that we might not have been able to do.

Sophie, Pupil, Year 5 Longton Primary School, Lancashire

Everything about our music lessons is fun!

Effie, Pupil, Year 5 Longton Primary School, Lancashire

The training session was very helpful indeed .... I am very excited about using the programme ... I've spent hours this evening saving loads of delicious goodies for the various topics we do at school.

Kim Taylor, Music Coordinator, Eastover Primary School, Somerset

The programmes are very helpful for whole class instructions (I just wish I had more time to explore and compose tailored lessons to suit the fast track pupils but also keeping the interest of the less able). I use Charanga almost every day teaching some 150 and more pupils per week. Its ease of use has triggered a few Head Teachers to embrace it and also sign us up for another year of tuition.

Crawford Hall, Tees Valley Music Service

I am thrilled with Charanga. Of course, 7 weeks in I'm only just beginning to get to grips with its wealth of resources but I have found it so useful already. I use it is to consolidate learning, so, for example, I would use my tried and tested ways of learning about pulse, and then use Charanga to consolidate the message... and it is having a real impact.

Christine Adams, Lead Teacher, Kent

The children are thoroughly enjoying it and I converted a couple of new teachers I was working with the other day!

Dorothy Driscoll, All Souls School, Kent

A very useful tool for whole classes but also for small group instrumental lessons.

Ali Houiellebecq, Instrumental Teacher, Norwich Music Service

I've been waiting 15 years for a resource like this. It's classroom music at your fingertips, teaching singing and playing very effectively in any primary classroom. I can't wait to use it!

Gill Harrowven, Year 5 teacher, St Augustine's Catholic School, Norwich

Charanga's such a fantastic resource and our staff have taken to it with ease and enthusiasm. Even our specialist teacher in Geography has been taken aback with the amount of resources available on the website and used it already! Teachers in KS1 have made great use of the site too. An absolutely brilliant package!

Annamarie Godden, Joy Lane Primary School, Kent

We've been working successfully with Charanga for two years, adapting and applying its innovative and flexible platform to our own requirements. It has been tremendously exciting working with Charanga on developing ground-breaking new systems for supporting teachers in the classroom with exciting and accessible ways of ensuring good musical practice and skills development.

Brendon Le Page, Director, Lambeth Music Service