
What people say about Charanga

We had great fun using the ukuleles this morning. It was only our third session and we all managed plucking the strings and strumming the C chord to perform ‘Old Macdonald’. The teachers and TAs are really enjoying using the resources and learning alongside the children too!

Dorothy Driscoll, Lead Music Teacher for Shepway 1, Kent

I teach wider ops and use inspira for violin and have found it a very useful resource particularly the different styles of music played at the start of the session. The children’s musical vocabulary has really increased over just half a term and I’ve been told it’s their favourite lesson of the week.

Coreena O’Hagan, Coventry Music Service, Nuneaton

The sheer scale of material in this resource is amazing. The lesson plans are really easy to pick up and follow – even for a complete musical novice like me. Everything gives me the confidence to teach music in class.

Mike Craig, Head Teacher, Arnage Primary School

I imagine the biggest praise for this all-inclusive resource is that the pupils have asked if they could carry on with it next term!

Samantha Gordon, Teacher, Alford Primary School

We’ve been using Charanga for over four years now and love it. As a teacher with no musical training (or ability!), it has changed my practice completely. I feel confident and excited about delivering music in our school.

Joanne Brown, Head Teacher, Lumsden School

It’s such a fantastic resource and all staff at Joy Lane have taken to it with ease and enthusiasm. Even our specialist teacher in Geography has been taken aback with the amount of resources available on the website and used it already! Teachers in KS1 have made great use of the site too, through the topic menu under curriculum focus , using the space resources. We have also begun enabling the student access and hope to use this as a
way of providing music homework each term. An absolutely brilliant package!

Annamarie Godden, Joy Lane Primary School, Kent

It has given us the opportunity to learn an instrument that we might not have been able to do.

Sophie, Pupil, Year 5 Longton Primary School, Lancashire

I’ve enjoyed music so much that I might go on to join a club!

Haydn, Pupil, Year 5 Longton Primary School, Lancashire

I feel special because we are the only class in the school that does this sort of music lesson.

Joseph, Pupil, Year 5 Longton Primary School, Lancashire

Having these music lessons means we can do exciting things like go to the recording studio and perform at the Guild Hall.

Cameron, Pupil, Year 5 Longton Primary School, Lancashire