VIP Conversations: Glenn Berger

Grinning man with mug

Here at VIP we first came across Glenn Berger via his writing for Sound On Sound magazine. He spoke there about how his mentor Phil Ramone took Billy Joel from a new artist about to be dropped by his label, to one of the most successful artists of all time – not via expensive equipment and studio trickery, but by recognising his psychological needs. Phil Ramone made the realisation that what Joel needed was not the top session musicians in New York, but a band from a bar in his hometown and a down-to-earth approach to making records his own way.

Glenn served his apprenticeship as an Engineer in the legendary A&R Studios in New York in the 60s and 70s working with artists such as Dylan, Jagger, Sinatra and Paul Simon. Under the tutelage of legendary producer Phil Ramone, he went on to be a successful producer in his own right before retraining as a psychiatrist and artist coach specialising in strategies to get the most from creative approaches to the studio and creative process. His insights on brain science, music and the studio, are totally game-changing and we took the opportunity to catch up with him for an in-depth hour long conversation about his book ‘Never Say No To A Rock Star’ the 60s, the lessons he learnt from his work with the stars, and his advice for students and educators on making the most of their creativity.

Find out more about Glenn and a link to his book here: