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Positive outcomes

The impact of Musical School is evidenced by two independent masters’ theses showing the significant improvement in music teaching and musical achievement that schools using the programme have experienced.

Our close links with schools, through our partnerships with music hubs, services and annual training programmes, demonstrate how effectively the programme is working for teachers too.

In a recent survey close to 1,000 music teachers shared their experiences of using our platform. 96% reported improvements in the quality of their teaching and pupil attainment. It’s given staff – and non-specialists particularly – the confidence, professional knowledge and tools to deliver exciting and progressive music lessons.

Increased confidence: specialist 82%; non-specialist 88%

Increased competence

enhanced knowledge
better quality teaching

Improved well-being: specialist 88%; non-specialist 90%

Improved well-being

more confidence/job satisfaction
reduced workload

Positive student outcomes: specialist 92%; non-specialist 92%

Positive student outcomes

increased attainment
more musical activity

Key: specialist non-specialist

Specialists * Non‑specialists ** The impact of Musical School on teachers
86% 89% Increased CONFIDENCE in their music teaching
72% 86% Improvements in their own music-teaching KNOWLEDGE
91% 90% Improvements in the QUALITY of their own music teaching
90% 90% Increased ENJOYMENT of music teaching
92% 92% Improvements in pupil ACHIEVEMENT
96% 93% Increased pupil ENJOYMENT of their lessons
* taken from 336 respondents ** taken from 516 respondents

How does the free trial work?

Sign up and we will send you a login which will be active for 30 days. We don’t ask for any payment details. At the end of the trial, you can choose to order Musical School and keep the same login details, or simply allow the trial to expire.

How much does it cost?

Musical School for primaries costs on average £225 per annum – it’s often less. It differs around the country based on how much the programme is supported by your local music hub, authority or MAT, and the size of school. Find out the exact cost for your school.

Try it yourself - take a free 30-day trial

See what Musical School can do for you and the young people you work with.

  • Week-by-week lessons for students aged 5–11
  • A customisable library of songs, creative tools and interactive teaching resources
  • YuStudio, a beginner-friendly DAW for schools
  • Unlimited access for every teacher and student at your school
Start free trial