Updated Musical School Scheme for 2017-18

We’ve really appreciated all your feedback over the past year, please keep it coming. As a result of what you’ve told us, we’re providing a new updated Scheme for 2017-18. Don’t worry, the existing Scheme will still be available but we hope you’ll move on to the 2017-18 one and take advantage of all the improvements.

Ten improvements for 2017-18:

  1. Nine new units with great new songs to keep things fresh for you and the children
  2. Better and more obvious progression within each year and also year on year
  3. Updates to the units that we’ve carried over from the current Scheme
  4. Musical Games - more variety and more challenging particularly for the older children
  5. Improvisation - more variety, challenge and obvious progression
  6. Composition - a great new activity tool added in KS2
  7. Removal of the songs that you and the children weren’t so keen on
  8. Changes to the Christmas half-term units to give you more options and flexibility
  9. Ability to slow down the songs to make them easier to teach
  10. Faster page-loading times to help improve lesson flow
Scheme for 2017-18

Overview of the New Scheme for 2017-18

Overview of the new scheme for 2017-18

If you are planning for the autumn term, or just curious to see how the new scheme is laid out, then click the following link to open a printable PDF grid.

Overview of the New Scheme for 2017-18 (opens in new window).

Your Imagination and The Friendship Song

Years R, 1 and 2

Two lovely new units ‘Your Imagination’ and ‘The Friendship Song’

Updates to the existing units to build in more progression

Christmas productions moved into the Freestyle library alongside some new ones

3 new Units - Bringing Us Together, Blackbird and another one
    we’ll be announcing shortly

Years 3 and 4

Three new units - ‘Bringing Us Together’, ‘Blackbird’ and another one we’ll be announcing shortly

Updates to the musical games in the existing units to help with progression and to give you more variety

Revised glock courses to build in more challenge and pace to the progression

Christmas productions moved into the Freestyle library

The Benjamin Britten songs - ‘There Was A Monkey’ and ‘Cuckoo’ moved out of the Scheme altogether and into the Freestyle library

Years 5 and 6

Four new units - ‘Happy’, ‘Dancin’ In The Street’, ‘I’ll Be There’ and ‘You’ve Got A Friend’ - all with brilliant new Bronze, Silver and Gold level musical games and improvisation

Christmas productions moved into the Freestyle library and the flexible Jazz units moved into the Christmas half term

Britten’s ‘A Tragic Story’ moved out of the Scheme and into the Freestyle library


Throughout Years 1-6 updates to the musical games and improvisation in the existing units to build in more progression 


Across the board - you will see a great new feature that allows you to slow down songs while keeping the pitch the same. We hope you’ll find it useful when teaching the more challenging songs in particular.

New for Musical School for 2017-18