Additional features to improve your experience and add flexibility

At the same time as putting a great deal of effort into bringing you new resources, we are also making some technology changes to improve your experience as a user. Just to reassure you, you won’t have to change anything in terms of IT at your end, you’ll just notice the improvements with your everyday usage.

The key improvements for 2017-18 are these:

  • Faster resource loading on the website to give you a nicer experience when you’re teaching
  • A new tempo (speed) control on songs so you can slow them down and make them easier to learn
  • New ‘upload your own resources’ feature so you can add them to your Charanga lessons
  • Better searching and lesson building to make things easier and save time
  • Better iPad compatibility

Faster resource loading

As an online service Musical School relies on your school having decent internet access. At our end though we’re making some engineering changes to the way things work that will make the pages and resources load faster.

We’re hoping you’ll notice an improvement and that it will cut down your page load waiting time in lessons for an overall better experience for you and the children.


More and more of our resources are being converted to work on iPads.
This process will continue through 2017-18

New tempo control on songs

With the more challenging songs, we’ve had requests to offer a slower speed version of the song to make it easier to learn for the children. As a result we’ve developed a nice new feature that gives you control over the speed at which the song plays.

Being able to slow a song down, even a little, should make a real difference with the songs that need it.

Uploading your own resources

Some teachers like to mix in their own resources with the resources they use from Musical School. This new uploading feature will enable you to add your resources eg PDFs, audio and video files, to Musical School so they can sit alongside the Musical School resources and avoid you having to switch between programmes.  (Note: Other teachers won’t see your personal resources as they aren’t shared with anyone.) If you use Music World with your children then your uploaded resources can be shared with them just like any other Musical School resource.

New for Musical School for 2017-18